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Looking to adopt in Georgia? Make sure you are qualified

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2024 | Adoption

Adoption is a rewarding and fulfilling ambition. It can allow you to bring love and security into the life of a child. However, it can be a challenging task because of the commitment it requires.

This is why the state of Georgia implemented specific requirements for parents who wish to set out on this journey. If you are looking to adopt a child, knowing the requirements and qualifications can help you prepare for the process.

Initial requirements for adoption

Per Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, hopeful parents must fulfill these requirements:

  • Be at least 21-years-old
  • If married, they must be living with their spouse
  • Be a resident of Georgia
  • Be physically, mentally and financially capable of taking care of the child

Additionally, the individual must be at least 10 years older than the child they wish to adopt. Though this requirement does not apply if they are the child’s stepparent or relative.

However, these qualifications are only the first step for prospective parents.

The qualification process

Prospective parents must also navigate Georgia’s adoption process, which has multiple phases. The entire ordeal can take anywhere from six months to several years. The phases generally include:

  • Orientation and training: Parents should attend an information session and participate in an adoption preparation program. This involves training sessions and courses that prepare families for adoptive care.
  • Evaluation: During this step, a social worker will evaluate if the applicant’s family can properly take care of a child through home visits and background checks.
  • Matching: This involves matching a child to a family who can meet their needs. The process varies depending on the type of adoption.

Once a child joins a family, a social worker will continue evaluating the child’s living situation and the household to determine if the family can legally adopt a child.

Adopting a child in Georgia requires preparation and fulfillment of several qualifications. While it can be intimidating, adoption can be a worthwhile endeavor for families.


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