Criminal Defense
Experienced Criminal Defense From Known Trial Attorneys
Criminal charges can drastically affect your life. Whether you are facing extensive time in prison, steep fines or loss of status in your work or community, confronting your charges with aggressive, knowledgeable representation is vital to protecting your rights.
The Courtroom Experience To Help You
With so much on the line, you need a trial attorney you can trust to ably represent your case in court. Criminal defense attorney Barry Middleton spent the first years of his career as a public defender. Criminal defense attorney Adam Land spent the first years of his career as an assistant district attorney, prosecuting criminal cases. During that time, he defended clients in countless cases, many of which went to trial. In private practice, he has spent his career in the courtroom. Their courtroom experience, from both sides of the case, will bring a perspective and know-how to your case that will achieve results.
At Tisdale Middleton & Land, our lawyers have built a reputation as tough trial lawyers. We are always ready to protect and defend your legal and constitutional rights.
We Are Upfront With You About Your Legal Options
We will use our experience to help layout clearly the rights and options before you. Before deciding on your best defense, you need a clear, objective analysis of your situation. In your initial consultation, our criminal defense lawyers will discuss your options and rights. We will work with you to mount a strategic defense, whether you are contesting all charges or want to mitigate some of the potential consequences of a conviction.
Our office is conveniently located in Evans, Georgia. We defend clients against a variety of criminal charges, including:
- Drug charges, including possession and trafficking
- Misdemeanor and felony offenses
- Theft
- Federal criminal charges
- Sex crimes
- Assault and violent crimes
- Traffic offenses
Begin Protecting Your Rights Today
Your criminal defense should begin as soon as possible. Do not delay when faced with life-altering criminal charges. Call us at 706-303-0734 or reach us confidentially online here.