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Can you have an inexpensive divorce without being vulnerable?

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2020 | Family Law

If you were to ask the average person about the easiest way to keep a divorce affordable, they will probably recommend forgoing an attorney. However, trying to divorce without legal representation leaves you in a very vulnerable position. 

Not only could you make major mistakes while representing yourself, but you may not have the skill to successfully litigate against your spouse, especially if they have their own attorney. Are there other ways for those considering divorce to keep the cost low without forgoing the critical protection of their own lawyer?

Filing an uncontested divorce can keep costs more reasonable

While attorneys do charge for their time, couples also wind up incurring substantial expenses by litigating individual issues in court. The more problems you expect the courts to rule on for you, the more costs you will have. 

Aggressively litigating every minor detail unquestionably plays a role in the high cost of divorce. It cost people on average $15,000 per person to get divorced, and that’s without even looking at the financial impact of splitting your possessions. Choosing to file an uncontested divorce means forgoing the litigated battles in court, which could keep your divorce much more affordable.

How do you file an uncontested divorce? 

In order to initiate uncontested divorce proceedings, you must agree on the terms of your divorce with your spouse. Some spouses have prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that outline how to handle everything in the divorce. Couples without these documents may find that collaborative law, direct negotiations, mediation or even arbitration could help them set the terms for their own divorce and keep their costs low. 

Trying to resolve the biggest issues outside of court can be a great way to keep your costs low without putting yourself in a vulnerable position where you don’t have advice, support or protection.



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