Is it time to ask for a modification of your custody schedule?

On Behalf of | Sep 29, 2020 | Family Law

As you approach life after a divorce, one thing you should know about is how to get a modification of your child custody agreement. Though your current custody arrangements may be fine, the reality is that your child will grow and change. You or your ex-spouse could find that different job requirements or changes could impact the custody schedule, too.

As a result, it is important to know that you can ask for changes to your custody arrangements later on. Usually, these are done with a child custody agreement modification request through the court. You can either agree to a new schedule outside of court and submit it for approval or turn to the court to ask for changes if the other parent doesn’t agree.

When should you ask for a modification of child custody?

Ask for a modification of the agreement any time you find that the current one isn’t working well for you due to major life changes. For example, if your child just moved from elementary school to middle school and has a whole new schedule, then your work schedule might conflict with it. It would make sense to ask for changes if those changes would make custody arrangements easier for everyone involved.

Your child may also start having their own opinions about custody, and it’s fair to them to listen and adjust the schedule if it’s reasonable to do so. If you and the other parent agree, then submitting a request for approval with the court is the next step. Your attorney can provide valuable assistance.